How to Get Rid of Weeds Without Killing Grass

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Wondering if it is possible to get rid of weeds without killing the grass? Yes, it’s possible to kill weeds without killing grass. 

In this blog we will explore various techniques to kill weeds without harming grass.

Removing weeds from grass is a challenging task from many homeowners.

Weeds ruin the appearance of a beautiful lawn.

They compete with grass for water and nutrients, resulting in damage and bare patches.

It’s important to know the techniques to get rid of weeds without killing grass.

The best way to prevent weeds is to keep your grass healthy and dense.

However, getting rid of weeds in grass is not an easy task. It requires combination of different long-term strategies that address the root of the problem.

How to Get Rid of Weeds Without Killing the Grass

Pulling Weeds by Hand

Pulling weeds by hand

If you’re looking for a natural way to get rid of weeds without killing the grass then pulling weeds by hand is the best way. 

Using this method you can pull weeds from the roots. Which help you to remove weeds permanently.

How to get rid of weeds without killing grass using Hand pulling method?

  • Identifying the weeds that are easy to pull by your hands. 
  • Before pulling the weed, water the area around the weed to make the soil wet.
  • Wear gloves and use a small tool like a trowel to remove the weeds from the ground.

Applying Mulch

Applying Mulch

Mulching is a process of covering the open soil surface with a layer of organic or inorganic material to stop weed growth. Materials used to cover the soil surface are called “Mulch”.

The mulch will help you to keep the soil moist and suppress weed growth by blocking sunlight from reaching the soil surface.

Organic mulches like straw, grass clippings, and leaves or inorganic mulches like plastic or rocks can be used.

Frequently Mowing


Mowing is a process of cutting top of weeds and preventing them to produce seeds. It is one of the best way to get rid of weeds without killing the grass.

This method suits for weeds growing in lawns or grassy areas.

Mowing your lawn regularly will kill the weeds that are still young and only spread through seeds.

Mowing is a powerful technique in controlling weeds. For better results it should be used in combination with other techniques such as mulching, aerating and fertilizing.

Remove Weeds using Hoe Cultivator

Remove Weeds using Hoe Cultivator

Hoe cultivator is a gardening tool to remove weeds from roots by loosing the soil. This is another best technique to get rid of weeds without killing the grass.

Removing weeds using hoe cultivator is a common physical method.

This technique suits for small areas and young weeds that don’t have deep roots. By removing the weeds from roots it makes them difficult to regrow.

Follow these steps to remove weeds using how cultivator

  • Identify and locate the weeds you want to remove.
  • Water the soil to make the surface wet and moist.
  • Scrape the soil surface around the weeds using hoe cultivator.
  • Chop the weeds from roots and cultivate the soil to break the weeds from regrowing.

Using a weed burner

killing weeds with weed burner

A weed burner is a special garden tool that uses flame to burn weeds. Weed burner heats weeds and kill them bursting their cells.

Follow these steps to remove weeds using weed burner

  • Locate the weeds you want to remove.
  • Set up the weed burner and ignite the torch.
  • Adjust the flame to the appropriate height.
  • Hold the weed burner a directly above the weeds.
  • Direct the flame at the base of the weed until the leaves turn brown and wilt.
  • Move on to the next weed and repeat the process.

To protect yourself from heat wear gloves and safety glasses.

Using a weed burner is an effective way to get rid of weeds without killing grass. It’s not recommended to use weed burners on dry or windy.

Pour Boiling Water

Pour boiling water to kill weeds

Pouring boiling water over weeds is effective and natural way to kill weeds.

The high temperature of the boiling water will kill weeds by damage the leaves and roots of the weed.

Boiling water is effective for annual weeds, which only live for one growing season.

How to get rid of weeds without killing grass using Boiling water?

  • Fill a pot with water and boil it on stove.
  • Identify the weed you want to remove and pour the boiling water directly on the weed.
  • Avoid spilling it on the grass so that grass is not damaged.

Use Vinegar and Dish Soap

Vinegar solution to kill weeds

Vinegar and dish soap can be used as a homemade weed killer. Vinegar can damage the weeds due to its high acetic acid content.

The acetic acid in vinegar is a natural herbicide that can kill weeds. And the dish soap helps vinegar stick to the leaves of the weeds making it more effective.

You’ll need white distilled vinegar and dish soap to prepare homemade weed killer.

How to get rid weeds without killing grass using vinegar mixture

  • Mix 1 cup of white distilled vinegar with 1 cup of dish soap in a spray bottle.
  • Spray the mixture directly on identified weeds.
  • Spraying it on a sunny day will make the weeds dry out.

Use Corn Gluten Meal

Corn Gluten Meal

Corn gluten meal prevents weed seeds from germinating and growing. It is natural herbicide to get rid of weeds in grass.

Corn gluten meal is a byproduct of corn milling process that can be used as a pre-emergent herbicide.

Corn gluten meal needs to be applied just before weed seeds start to germinate.

Corn gluten meal is alternative to chemical weed killers. It is safe, natural and affordable.

How to get rid of weeds without killing grass using corn gluten meal?

  • Purchase corn gluten meal online or at local garden center.
  • Identifying the correct weed you want to prevent from growing.
  • Spread the corn gluten meal evenly over the grass, at a rate of 20 pounds per 1000 square feet.
  • Water the lawn after spreading the corn gluten meal to activate it.

Note: As corn gluten meal is a pre-emergent herbicide it don’t kill weeds. It will only prevent weed seeds from germinating and growing.


Smothering to kill weeds

Smothering is a process of blocking sunlight and killing weeds.

It is a natural way of killing weeds without using chemicals.

For smothering you need hick layer of material to cover the weeds. Materials like mulch, leaves or cardboard that can block sun light.

It’ll take time for the weeds to die and requires monitoring of weeds.

How to kill weeds without killing grass using smothering technique?

  • Identify the weeds that you want to get rid of.
  • Clear the area around the weed to cover smothering material.
  • Pick a smothering material and cover the weed.
  • Water the area after covering the weed.

Aerating Soil


Aeration is a process to control weeds by punching holes in soil.

Aeration uses manual or gas powered aerator to punch holes in the soil.

By doing so it will allow water, air and nutrients reach the roots.

Generally aeration is done in the spring or fall when the grass is actively growing.

How to kill weeds without killing grass using aerator?

  • Identify the weed you want to aerate.
  • Water the lawn 24 hours before aerating to ensure that the soil is moist.
  • Use a manual aerator or a power aerator to punch holes in soil.
  • After aerating fill the holes with compost or a mix of top soil and sand.

Use Herbicides as last option

Spraying herbicides

Use herbicide that is safe for the grass you’re growing. Herbicides can be effective to kill weeds if they’re used properly.

It’s important to choose the right herbicide for the type of weed.

How to get rid of weeds without killing grass using herbicides?

  • choose the right herbicide for your specific weed problem.
  • Read the label and follow the instructions carefully on the product.
  • Use the right amount of herbicide for effective killing of weeds.
  • Always wear gloves, goggles and a mask to avoid direct contact herbicide.

Final Thoughts on How to Get Rid of Weeds Withing Killing the Grass

You can remove weeds from your lawn using any of the above method or combination of methods.

For better results use combination of above method as one single method can’t kill weeds completely.

The best way to get rid of weeds will depend on the type of weeds you have and the area size you treat. Each method has it’s own benefits and drawbacks.

Be careful while using chemical herbicides and follow instructions on the pack.

When you notice weeds sprouting pull them by hands before spreading. Proper lawn care will make it harder for weeds to grow.

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